Microsoft MakeCode - Hour of Code Carnival
Bring Hour of Code into your classroom with games that make coding fun for you and your kids — no hardware or downloads required.
Raspberry Pi Code Project
Computer coding for kids, teenagers and young adults. Step-by-step instructions for 250+ free coding projects. Create games, animations, and more with code.
Marty the Robot
Marty is easy to use and designed for educators and pupils. Marty can walk, dance and eyebrow-wiggle like no rolling robot can!
Makey Makey
Turn everyday objects like bananas into touch pads! · Connect the world around you to your computer!
Machine Learning
Introduces machine learning by providing hands-on experiences for training machine learning systems and building things with them.
Make Code Arcade
Develop your programming skills by quickly creating and modding retro arcade games with Blocks and JavaScript in the MakeCode editor.