Choose Computing Science, • 06/10/2023 Working in mechanical design engineering with Charlotte Wilkes Previous Meet Eneni, Robotics Trailblazer (30 seconds) Next How can you improve lives with engineering? You Might Also Like Computer Science Education at the University of Glasgow Careers in digital technology with BJSS How Not To Get Hacked: Messaging and Downloads What is Creativity? (with Ciara, Ryan Seacrest, Limor Fried, and Tom Colicchio) Digital World | What If
Choose Computing Science, • 06/10/2023 Working in mechanical design engineering with Charlotte Wilkes Previous Meet Eneni, Robotics Trailblazer (30 seconds) Next How can you improve lives with engineering? You Might Also Like Computer Science Education at the University of Glasgow Careers in digital technology with BJSS How Not To Get Hacked: Messaging and Downloads What is Creativity? (with Ciara, Ryan Seacrest, Limor Fried, and Tom Colicchio) Digital World | What If