Creativity, Role Models, Female Role Models, Choose Computing Science, • 15/06/2023 Change the Face of Computer Science Previous What Most Schools Don't Teach Next Create With Computer Science You Might Also Like "Engineering allows me to do what I love doing" - This is Engineering Digital World | Lesley Eccles at FanDuel Engineering Hero: Dame Stephanie Shirley CSA: Software Engineering - User Stories Digital World | Steven Heggie, Student at University of Edinburgh
Creativity, Role Models, Female Role Models, Choose Computing Science, • 15/06/2023 Change the Face of Computer Science Previous What Most Schools Don't Teach Next Create With Computer Science You Might Also Like "Engineering allows me to do what I love doing" - This is Engineering Digital World | Lesley Eccles at FanDuel Engineering Hero: Dame Stephanie Shirley CSA: Software Engineering - User Stories Digital World | Steven Heggie, Student at University of Edinburgh